Observations From The Mara
In September 2017 our chairman James Welch visited the Maasai Mara Ecosystem and stayed in the Naboisho Conservancy as part of a conservation based volunteering trip in what is one of the last lion population strongholds.
The idea of this visit was to get a better understanding of the problems lions face in the wild and to see the threats first hand. As well as seeing the fragile habitat this also gave a brilliant opportunity to see lions in the wild and to get to see wild lion behaviour first hand. Extensive notes were taken whilst on the trip and all we go onto various pages on the website. Please choose a page from the section below to learn more about the particular places, lions and the way that the Maasai live with lions so close.
We believe that it is important for a member of our team to see the issues facing lions in the wild as potential contacts and knowledge of current situations may determine where we can make the most valuable contribution to lion survival possible.
We also intend to use this as an opportunity to not only educate ourselves but to help fulfil our role in educating the public in the issue of lion conservation. We hope that the material on here once finished will allow all of you reading to get a better understanding of the way lions and also the people who live around them cope in this wonderful but harsh environment.